IMA (Pray) is an immersive theatrical experience elevating cirque danse, the genre created by Recirquel to a whole new level. In the installation space reminiscent of sacred places, we participate in a unique ritual guided by a non-gender defined performer, taking us into the unknown territories of the human mind. Religions, beliefs are distant matters in the infinity of IMA’s universal space, and only the human soul is in the focus of attention.

There is no need for religious faith to be able to absorb the experience of IMA, one’s personal beliefs are irrelevant in this space. As Bence Vági, the director-choreographer of the production puts it, “Prayer is universal, exists independently from religion or denomination.”

IMA premiered in 2022 in the program of the Bartók Spring in Müpa Budapest; it is a one-person show that is performed by Recirquel's top-notch acrobats, each offering a unique experience to the audience.




Solus Amor