Does time change us? Does aging put up barriers between the young and the old? Or is it the fact that we grew up differently than our grandparents? We don’t stir our coffee or wash ourselves or stroll the way they do. Relaxation means different things to us, as does early morning or late night… But does that mean our realities are different? If so, how can we grow closer to one another?
The Credenza Left in the Cellar dissects this rarely handled theme. How do the decades change us, and how does the constantly changing sprit of the times rewrite reality (and us as well)? Through the production’s everyday the situations, characters familiar to everyone reveal the wide gap separating the generations. The production blends the tools of dance, theatre, and related arts, endeavoring to build bridges between those born in different times, cultures, and social groups. It sheds light on the looks, movements, and words that are common to us all. The Credenza Left in the Cellar seeks the universal language that we can all understand regardless of our social, cultural, or generational backgrounds – the opportunity for communication that we sorely need in the 21st century.